Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"What is Bisexuality" & "Prue Shows Her Knickers"

I felt that “Prue Show’s Her Knickers” and “What is Bisexuality” had to do with more than sex, sexuality, and intimacy but accepting who you are and being able to express yourself in public as this person, and not caring what others think of you.
Although I found the reading on “What is Bisexuality” interesting, I also found it hard to follow.  I believe it is good to hear about other people’s stories to have a better understanding for who they are and also to be more open and unbiased to ideas I would normally object or shun.  I feel she does a great job of defining and giving explanations behind being bisexual and how it possibly came about and out in the public.  I guess I get a little uninterested in the reading is when she goes into detail with all of the names, books, and readings I have never heard of.  Because these names have little importance to me I feel as if they are just being used to support her point but what the real importance behind the name. But as I stated I do feel she does a great job explaining the theories behind bisexuality and defining it, which I feel has made me a little more aware and open minded to the idea.  I feel reading articles like this it helps me be more accepting of people in these situations, because they are already aware that a majority of society or their families may not agree with their decision which may make them feel outcastes or alone.  
In “Prue Shows Her Knickers” I found this story kind of funny just because it seems like most kids go through this stage or you hear similar stories from your friends.  Even though these children where handicapped they are still accepting of their bodies. I feel they were probably more accepting of their bodies because the rest of the children they were in school where with had some sort of handicap or deformity too.  For the most part I feel that it was a interesting story to read and I feel gave good advice on being accepting of our own bodies no matter what they look like. 

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